Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Week 73

July 15, 2019

My week has been pretty good! We are doing good on food but water is the issue. We haven't had water at all this week, just the left over water from the lines and the water in our water heater (haha) kinda crazy but its all good just an experience we will have to go through (haha) a cool story to tell.

We have a Miracle this week! We were able to find a cool kid named Miracle he is 26 and he has not been religious his whole life and we taught him first about the Gospel how we need to have Faith in Jesus Christ and that we need to Repent and be Baptized and Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Endure to the End. 
He loved it! He told us he wants to be baptized he wants to change his life and come unto God. He told us that he had this burning feeling inside that was telling him that all these things were true.

I know that the Spirit testifies of truth, I know what I teach is true and I know that This is the only church that can help us to come back to God and I know that this life is the time for men and women to prepare to meet God. We all need to get on the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life. That is the only way to have true happiness in life.

So I'm working in the same area but we are living in a different house.

My companion is Elder Isabirye, he is from Uganda and he's 20 and he comes from a family of 6 he is the 2nd to the last born and his whole family are members.
This week I ate some weird food, Cow Head......yeah it was pretty interesting not my favorite thing at all (haha).

Elder Rasmussen 

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