Sunday, February 3, 2019

Week 47

Jan, 14 2019

Unfortunately Elder Rasmussen was unable to email home due to the unrest happening in Zimbabwe.
The country has had ongoing financial issues which escalated into widespread protests that began Monday. The protests continued though out the week. As as a result, the banks, and shopping centers have been closed. In addition, the government has shut down the internet.
The missionaries were instructed to stay indoors until further notice. The mission president is in contact with every companionship and reported that all are safe and in good spirits. The president purchased food stuffs in bulk and delivered enough for each missionary for their weekly needs.

After we had received this information as you can imagine how concerned we would be. But we both felt peace and knew that he would be safe and that our Heavenly Father would take care of our Elder and the other missionaries serving in Zimbabwe.  We are so thankful for the mission president, secretaries and other church leaders who care for and love our missionaries. They have spend many hours preparing, gathering and doing all they can to make sure our missionaries have what they need and that they are safe. We looked forward to hearing from Elder Rasmussen, he is probably enjoying the little break. 

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