Monday, May 27, 2019

Week 60

Hello,                                                                                                           April 15, 2019
This week was the last week of the transfer so Elder Khumalo left and I got a new companion.
My new companions name is Elder Tshablala and he is from Harare. Elder Khumalo and I were having some really cool lessons where the Spirit was so apparent. We were teaching these two men Mr. Nkaqla and Mr Mpuku.
When we started to teach them we first asked some questions and then they questioned why there were so many prophets in the land but none of them predicted the Cyclone that came through. We explained that there is a prophet on earth today, President Russel M. Nelson. We started using the scriptures to explain but that only lead to more arguing and contention. I was flipping through my Bible trying to find verses to share with them, but I had the strongest impression to just put down the Bible and when everything was quiet I just simply shared my testimony of Joseph Smith and the First Vision and how I came to know all of this was true. I also shared my testimony of the living Prophet today, President Russel M. Nelson. Elder Khumalo followed me and shared his testimony and the Spirit was so strong that it made those 2 brothers so quiet and they just sat there for a few seconds and said, "how can we know for ourselves?" We told them that by reading the Book of Mormon they would know.
The Spirit can touch the hearts of those who's hearts are hardened and can do amazing things. I know that by testifying we can bring the Spirit and help those we are teaching to feel that same feeling and that can help them know of the truth for themselves, after all it's the Spirit that is the teacher not us.
I am staying healthy, I went on a run the other day a I about died my lungs aren't in shape so I just need to keep it up.
I love driving this new truck, it is so much better than trying to drive the little car over these roads here. I felt like we were going to break that car anytime we drove it.
We watched all 5 sessions of our conference at our chapel, it was really nice! I loved Elder Oaks talk on repentance and the talk Elder Stevenson gave in the Priesthood Session.
Got to go!
Elder Rasmussen

This is how they cut their grass.

The new truck.

I found this kid with a Utah t-shirt.

Elder Burrows is going home.

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