Monday, May 27, 2019

Week 66

Hi                                                                  May 27, 2019

I just got transferred and I don't know if I will have time to email today. I am going to Bulawayo to a place called Emgamwini my comp is Elder Cotrell.

I made it back to the email place. It's weird to be back, I haven't been to my house yet. My luggage is with my Zone Leaders, yeah I am not a ZL anymore since I am in this new area. My President sat me down and told me why he moved me and gave me a specific task.

I am back to walking and riding a combi, the last time I rode a combi it was $.50 now it is $2.00 so that is quite the jump.

Well I have got to go.
Elder Rasmussen

Week 65

Hi,                                                                                     May 19, 2019

I am doing good!

We have transfers coming up this weekend and I think I will probably go back to Bulawayo, it's been a while since I've been there.

Things in Zim are good if you are a missionary, but for the locals it's tough. We can get our fuel with US dollars but the prices have gone up again and I feel so bad for the locals they just can't afford much.

 I am not sure why but the mission has not received any mail for the last 4 weeks so maybe you should wait a couple of weeks before sending anything.

We had a super busy week as always! It is nice because it make the days fly by. One minute I am waking up and the next I am getting back to bed at the end of the day.

I am grateful for my mission though, it has taught me so much. The biggest thing is, I came out a young boy and I will come back a much stronger than when I left.

Thanks for all you do for me mom, I really appreciate the way you and Dad raised me!
Love you,
Elder Rasmussen

Jocee, here are your guinea pigs! haha

We bought a Guinea Foul, cooked it and ate it.

Shurugwi, it is so dusty and has mostly dirt roads.

This is a member we have been working with his name is Thankful.

Driving up a mountain or a big hill in Shurugwi.

Week 64

Hi,                                                                          May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day my dear Mama! I love you!

I am doing really well, this week we were busy with a few things, we had interviews and Zone Conference. It was really nice and helped us know how to teach the commandments better and that we can use fasting as a better way to help the people we teach.

My sinuses are better, my nose is just a little stuffy in the mornings because it is getting colder here.

I started reading the Book of Mormon over again. I am in 1 Nephi 18 and I love chapter 8 and 13 there is so much that we can learn from those two chapters that we can apply in our own lives. I am also studying in Preach my Gospel. I am trying to find better and new ways to teach it and so far it has been going really well.
I will try calling to video chat with you!
Elder Rasmussen

Week 63

Hi,                                                                                               May 6, 2019
I am doing really well. Yes I did go to the doctor and he gave me some antibiotics for a sinus infection and I am doing much better since taking them.
We went to Shurugwi twice this week and once to Bulawayo. We haven't held any meetings in Shurugwi yet probably at the beginning of June. Our area is pretty tough though we are working our hardest but it's moving slowly.

The old man Mr Mupuko is so cool he came to church again this week he walked the whole distance again and he just loves church and everyone is so kind and welcoming. We have meet with him about 10 times now, the only problem is we need to get him married.

We had a cool experience yesterday as we were contacting people at their houses. We met this 60 year old man we started to teach him on the spot about Joseph Smith and how this is the only true church. He got upset and started to argue with us. Again I testified of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and he had nothing else to say. I love the power of testimony and the Book of Mormon.
So for Mother's Day we just get to call home on our normal p-day when we email.
Elder Rasmussen

Week 62

Hi,                                                                                                        April 29, 2019
Everything is going good here and I am doing really good!
We had Mission Leadership Council, so we had to drive to Bulawayo and then we have to go back again for exchanges with the assistants.
The older gentleman we have been meeting with came to church this week! It was so cool, he even walked about 5 miles to get here because he did not have transport money. He came all because he has been reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it.
I love my mission it has taught me a lot of things, like how to really care for others and help them with their problems and how to discipline myself.
I will video call you today!
Elder Rasmussen

Week 61

Hello,                                                                                             April 21, 2019
Easter Sunday was pretty good, I totally forgot it was Easter though. Haha. Over here the holidays are celebrated but they just do like a big family dinner and that is pretty much it.
I am getting along with my companion. He is a hard worker and 26 years old and comes from a family of 13 children and he is the only member of of the church in his family. He has only been a member for 4 years and is a chef by profession, loves to cook and makes some good food.
We went back to teach the old men again, the ones who argued with us about the Book of Mormon.
 The one guy was trying to bring up this verse in the Book of Revelations. And again we just bore our sincere testimonies of the Book Of Mormon and the prophet Joseph Smith. When we finished he just said that he needed to read it for himself and find out if it was true. We left him one and pray that he will read it with an open mind and pray for himself.

I have to drive to Bulawayo today so I might not be able to call. Have a good week.
Elder Rasmussen

Week 60

Hello,                                                                                                           April 15, 2019
This week was the last week of the transfer so Elder Khumalo left and I got a new companion.
My new companions name is Elder Tshablala and he is from Harare. Elder Khumalo and I were having some really cool lessons where the Spirit was so apparent. We were teaching these two men Mr. Nkaqla and Mr Mpuku.
When we started to teach them we first asked some questions and then they questioned why there were so many prophets in the land but none of them predicted the Cyclone that came through. We explained that there is a prophet on earth today, President Russel M. Nelson. We started using the scriptures to explain but that only lead to more arguing and contention. I was flipping through my Bible trying to find verses to share with them, but I had the strongest impression to just put down the Bible and when everything was quiet I just simply shared my testimony of Joseph Smith and the First Vision and how I came to know all of this was true. I also shared my testimony of the living Prophet today, President Russel M. Nelson. Elder Khumalo followed me and shared his testimony and the Spirit was so strong that it made those 2 brothers so quiet and they just sat there for a few seconds and said, "how can we know for ourselves?" We told them that by reading the Book of Mormon they would know.
The Spirit can touch the hearts of those who's hearts are hardened and can do amazing things. I know that by testifying we can bring the Spirit and help those we are teaching to feel that same feeling and that can help them know of the truth for themselves, after all it's the Spirit that is the teacher not us.
I am staying healthy, I went on a run the other day a I about died my lungs aren't in shape so I just need to keep it up.
I love driving this new truck, it is so much better than trying to drive the little car over these roads here. I felt like we were going to break that car anytime we drove it.
We watched all 5 sessions of our conference at our chapel, it was really nice! I loved Elder Oaks talk on repentance and the talk Elder Stevenson gave in the Priesthood Session.
Got to go!
Elder Rasmussen

This is how they cut their grass.

The new truck.

I found this kid with a Utah t-shirt.

Elder Burrows is going home.

Week 59

Hi,                                                                                                      April 8, 2019
 Sorry for the short email, we had to drive to Bulawayo to pick up the new truck so it has taken us all day. And the email cafe is closing in 20 minutes so I have to hurry and answer all the emails that I can.
My week was good we did table contacting in Shurugwi this week with Bro Zulu, who is a member.
I was surprised how well it went, we had over 60 people come and talk to us in just under 3 hours.
We have a lot of interested people and most didn't even know about the church and a few would like us to come and visit with them.
We occasionally have dinner appointments, in our area we don't have as many members, we might have one a week. They mostly feed us Sadza or rice with chicken. We actually have 2 dinner appointments set so that's going to be nice and makes it much easier for us so that we don't have to make it when we get home.
Got to go!
Elder Rasmussen

Week 58

Our Area, Shurugwi.

My Comp and I

Hi,                                     April 1, 2019

This week was great we had Zone Conference and interviews with our Mission President.
For Zone Conference the discussion was centered on the First Vision and the Restoration and Plan of Salvation. I gave a talk about our life and our purpose here on Earth, I always learn a lot when I study. I came to realize that in the pre-earth life we probably received a call letter to come to earth and to keep our first estate, it told us all the things that we were going to go through in life and what we would have to over come and learn the things God wants us to learn. Now that we are here on Earth and don't remember those things we have to try to walk by faith and not by sight. The best thing that God gave us besides life, was our agency. It is up to us to decide if we want to choose captivity and death through the devil or choose liberty and freedom through our Savior, Jesus Christ. (2 Nephi 27)

We have invited a few people to Baptism but some of them accepted but honestly I think that they really didn't mean it, they just said yes to please us. We just have to make sure that they are serious and really want to be baptized.

We do have a lady, Mrs. Madungwe and she is on a baptismal date but she has to get legally married first. That is one of the toughest things here. No one here gets married they just pay the lobola and call it marriage. All it is is buying your wife from her parents and calling her your wife. It's hard for them to pay $15 to get a marriage license and then get married. Ultimately they can't get baptized with out being married or unless they split up.
It's crazy to think I only have 10 months left and soon Garek will be out on his mission.
Love you,
Elder Rasmussen

Week 57

Hi,                                                           March 25, 2019
I am doing really well, we have had success in our area!
We found 15 new people to teach which was a blessing because we are trying to get this area moving and to also keep us busy, which we are!
This week Elder Khumalo and I were teaching 2 college kids, we contacted them on the street with the Book of Mormon they were interested and wanted to know more about it so we went to see them. The girl named Loraine, told us that the Book of Mormon and the Bible contradict each other. So we felt like we needed to share the Restoration with them to help them see why the Book of Mormon is so important. We both bore our testimony of the First Vision, we could feel the Spirit so strongly and I knew the Spirit touched them as well.
They agreed to read the Book of Mormon and asked if we would come back and share more. It was amazing, they went from not wanting to have anything to do with us to wanting to know more, it was so powerful!
We stayed in Bulayawo all week so that was nice because we didn't have to make that trek back and forth in one day. The weather has been hot all week except about 2 days were a little cloudy but other than that it has been hot.
Well have a good week!
Elder Rasmussen