Friday, August 10, 2018

Week 24

Hi everyone, I am doing really good. We did end up staying inside on Thursday and Friday morning.
We stayed busy by playing some games and our mission president told us we could watch movies that were put out by the church. There wasn't much that happened in our area but for safety precaution we had to stay in just in case something were to happen.

A little background on my comp Elder Goje...
he is from a place called East London and he is the only child from his mother and father but he has 10 siblings that his father has had with other ladies. He is the only member in his family. Before the mission he ran his own company that did yard cleaning and maintenance.  He also has a degree in Civil Engineering.

Transfers were this weekend and I found out that I am staying with Elder Goje in the same area for 6 more weeks.

On Tuesday we meet taught a guy named Tahbokah for the first time. Normally when we teach someone for the first time we take most of the time getting to know each other and then we share what we are there to do and then we share a little message with them. This time was a little different, when we were talking to him I had the strongest impression to give him a baptismal date. Then I started to talk about authority and how we can trace this church back to Jesus Christ and that we need to be baptized by someone with that authority and then I asked him if he wanted to be baptized by someone who held that authority from God and he said... yes! We are planning to baptize him on August 18th and we will continue helping him so he will be ready by then.

The Spirit is so helpful and always guides us in the way God wants us to go to find those who are seeking the truth.

Elder Rasmussen

Me with some donkeys.

Our last Sunday with Elder Banks and we all wore the same tie.

Elder Goje 

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