Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Week 20

This week has been pretty good. We met the new mission president Thursday morning, his name is President Okot. He is 43 years old he has 5 kids and his oldest is 14 and he is from Uganda.

This week Elder Goje and I found 9 new investigators which is really good and they seem very interested so we will keep meeting with them and help them know the truth of what we are sharing.

 We attended a baptism of a guy named Brother Dube he was an investigator of Elder Burrows and Elder Holmes. It was a real cool experience. Brother Dube is around 70 years old and has become such a strong member. After he was baptized he got up and shared his testimony with us. He said that before the missionaries met him he was very ill. He had kidney problems and some other health issues. He told us that after he started reading the Book of Mormon he had an appointment with the doctor and the doctor told him that he was surprisingly getting better and that he didn't have to take the pills that were helping him any longer. He said that the reason he is getting better is because of the gospel and God blessing him for joining the only true church on the face of the earth. That was our witness for the week that this church is true and it can help us both spiritually and physically.

 Out of the 9 new investigators we met this week 2 of them came to church on Sunday and they loved it. Their names are Sanale and the other is Nolhalha (it's difficult to say) they are both 21 years old. We shared the message of the restoration with them and went over the intro of the Book of Mormon and they are really excited to read it and find out if it is true!

 This week has been super cold and windy, cloudy and rainy, so we have been bundled up. Every time we go out of the house we wear a coat and beanie. Everyone says this is the coldest it has been here in years so it's very unusual.

Oh yeah we finally got our shower fixed so we can have a nice warm shower. Our house is like a pavilion with brick walls and it is really cold in the mornings we don't have a heater so we get warm by turning the oven on and opening the door.

 We went to this Brazilian place for lunch and it was good but a little expensive. Stuff here is expensive just a block of cheese is like $25.00. Most people here eat Sadza because it is $4 for a big bag and they just eat it with veggies.

Last week we came home and found a bat in our house.

Elder Goje, Elder Banks, Elder Downey and I getting ready to
meet our new mission President.

Elder Goje bundled up for the day.

Elder Parker after Bro. Dube's baptism.

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