Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Week 5

 It's been a great week here in Zim, we had 2 baptisms on Saturday a 14 year old girl named Shelly and a 14 year old boy named Leroy. It was a cool experience for me. This was first baptism since being on my mission and the first baptism for someone that I have taught.
I haven't had a chance to drive yet there is really not a speed limit, driving here is kinda crazy. I am surprised that there aren't any crashes as crazy as the driving is.

We are a 20 minute drive to Bulawayo other missionaries have to ride the combi bus 
and it takes them 35-40 minutes to get there. 

I am surviving the heat pretty well. Our house gets so hot during the day so we try to get out as as fast as possible in the mornings, and we try to come back after dark when it is cooled down a little. We are headed into our winter so it will stay around 50-60 degrees so that will be nice.
It has been raining alot lately and we have a couple of holes in our roof so every time it rains we get puddles in our house.

My comp is helping me learn a little Shona and Ndebele so I can say a few things in those languages.
There are 4 missionaries living in our house Elder Parker from North Carolina, Elder Ghielile (Hi-lily) from South Africa, then me and Elder Stone.
 We have an investigator his name is Mathias and he is about 60 years old and he has a son named Emanuel who is 13. We met Emanuel on the street as he was walking home from school so we started talking to him then followed him home to meet his baba (Mathias). We set up a time to come back and visit we left them with a restoration pamphlet and asked them to read it. When we met with them, Mathias had studied and marked his favorite parts on the pamphlet. Then we taught him the about the restoration and he accepted it and wanted to learn more. We have since meet with them 3 other times and they have both been to church twice now! They have even accepted to be baptized on April 7th. Mathias has been prepared to hear the gospel and knows the Bible very well but he knows that it has been changed over the years so he was excited to read the Book of  Mormon to know more.

Love you all,
Elder Rasmussen

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